Go Green – Actually Get Healthy

We’re not really going green unless what we’re doing is a green body fit. If the template for ‘green’ isn’t our complete and perfect pre-established DNA blueprint, then what’s the point? It’s true, going green does make the economy more sustainable, but if it doesn’t also meet the criteria of a healthy body, the default is compromised solutions which haven’t withstood global crisis. Achieving a green body is the most difficult and exacting bill to fill because it has mental and emotional as well as physical implications. It requires understanding what it takes to build will power.

Squeezing mental performance out of sitting for longer and longer hours has not done it. Only finding the correct balance between sitting, standing, and walking activities that promote creative thinking throughout the workday will do that. Master/slave-like professional relationships within the corporate hierarchy has not done it. Only mutual trust-based equanimity encourages the free expression that manifests profit-making innovation. The holocaust of whole foods and corruption of our food supply with genetic manipulation, irradiation, chemical additives, etc. for the sake of extending shelf life indefinately has not done it. Only providing the human body with the nutrients it needs to rebuild and renew itself in its complete and perfectt pattern into old age will empower us to “go green”.

Health is not the default of wealth, necessarily. Fortitude in successfully directing wealth towards health and well-being with sufficient speed to match our technological world requires deliberate physical, emotional, and mental integration – an intellectual focus (mental acuity for adaptation), emotional motivation (what we want that’s meaningful to us), and our physical foundation (the vitality to perform purposeful work and achieve our goal). Fast integration on a daily basis gives willpower unparalleled stability.

Precise new tools have emerged that fit the pre-established human template – naturally and physiologically accelerating the  IQ, EQ, PQ integrity that defines sustainability. In no way can we bypass this process and achieve environmental or personal health (as human history has proved ad nauseam). This becomes especially noticeable in extreme action and Olympic sports because it can be lethal if you’re not completely integrated and focused physiologically with a pH fit. It’s not something we can afford to take for granted. The more precision, the more speed… to exercise your scientific curiosity just google ‘pH fitness‘ and observe the benefits of a truly green body.
