
“If we weren’t all the same we’d never agree, we’re all capable of genius but until we understand the makeup of the psyche, our minds are like shifting sand susceptible to one-dimensional slogans.” — Suzanna Aaring 2013

Unconsciousness Affected Millions

Unconscious actions are the result of a lack of awareness of whole cycles. I remember a time when 10-foot ceilings, for example, were the standard for dwellings even in rural areas where homesteaders built their own homes with the help of neighbours. This was the minimum height acceptable to ensure health and well being for their families.  An 8-foot ceiling was a shack. Yet it became the standard during the second half of the 20th century. The moment an attempt was made to raise the standard of living by lowering the ceiling (literally) on quality of life, society paid the price. What goes around comes around.

When we consider that one fateful unconscious decision of greed and complicity can affect millions for decades, if not millennia, the need for self awareness to make conscious choices becomes clear. Historically self interest has been held above self awareness. Out of a narrow view of the fear and panic of not having enough, the mis-conception of scarcity in the midst of abundance was born. And with it the fragmentation of whole processes as a society.

We need to put humpty-dumpty back together again, starting with integration of IQ, EQ, PQ  in integrity. Integration of our thoughts, emotions, and feelings leads to a self awareness that can see the big picture. How do we understand wholeness with sufficient speed to match the demands of our technological world?  The fastest way is with physiological integration of the intellectual centre in the head, the emotional centre in the chest, and the physical centre in the abdomen. For a specialized exercise routine with IQ/EQ/PQ integrity, visit