[ Sports Exercise ] Heart Attack Risk

Okay, there’s an elephant in the room no one likes to talk about, and that is the physiologic changes that occur when the body becomes acidic during exercise and sports, and that the body can take hours if not days to recover even with the most rigorous warm-up cool down. This article » is but one example… Because most sudden deaths from cardiac arrest usually occur at home this study concludes that they are therefore not exercise-induced.

By the same token the majority of sudden deaths that occur during or shortly after sports training or competition are due to cardiac arrest. Even if the cardio vascular accident happens hours after exertion, there’s no dogging that exercise-induced stress plays a significant role. The basics can be found in any standard medical text. Metabolic acidity of the blood and cellular fluid not only changes the shape and function of protein cells, it also impacts the electrical activity of cells. When combined with the nicotine-like affect of adrenaline, it should be no surprise that hardening of the arteries and heart disease has been shown to exist in young athletes.

It’s tempting to turn a blind eye because you’re not the originator of a solution, or aren’t willing to take a serious look at the precise natural laws that must be followed because the answer doesn’t fit the status quo for prep and recovery. When we re-envisioned how fitness must evolve to mitigate the stress and strain of sports training and physical conditioning we had discard the old legacy thing in order to engineer an aerobic crossfit warm-up cool down workout which addresses the challenges of pH acidity with efficacy. No, you won’t find this one in any university curriculum, it’s ahead of the curve.

Like most people I used to think that regular exercise can condition and rejuvenate our heart so we don’t ‘”get old” before our time or risk heart attack. It’s true, almost any kind of exercise is better than nothing. As long as we warm-up and cool down for safer conditioning and faster recovery. It’s been shown that while most exercise reduces our cardiovascular risk by a factor or three, strenuous exercise like running, biking and most sports increase our risk by a factor of seven. This is why it’s especially important to restore body pH balance as well as muscle balance within minutes after a strenuous workout. As it turns out, not every warm-up cool down has this capability.

Without a fast way to neutralize body acidity produced by exercise, including most sports and sports-specific warm-up cool down routines, you can actually be increasing your risk of a cardiovascular accident. To prevent arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, angina, fibrillation, hypertension, and heart disease in general, which can cause a heart attack or stroke during exercise, we need a quick reliable way to prevent and recover from acidosis due to electrolyte imbalance and ischemia (oxygen deprivation in the heart muscle) as a result of the circulatory imbalances that normally occur during exercise.

Just getting heart rate up and warming up the large long muscles of the body unfortunately won’t do it.  Most exercise and most exercise warm-ups do just the the opposite, i.e., acidify body chemistry.  Why focus on normalizing the drop in body pH produced during exercise and sports, as the goal? Because it requires, not only the restoration of  equal levels of oxygen in metabolically-active muscle tissue (V02max) and between small and large muscles, but in every organ of the body. The five neuro-endocrine plexus must be awakened in a specific order to balanced, otherwise it’s not possible to achieve homeostasis at Peak Metabolic Potential (PMP™) for fast recovery within minutes. Click Here » for details.

How do we increase the efficiency of warming up and cooling down, with sufficient efficacy to reduce the risk of heart attack? Body’Fit pH Fitness™ (short form… pHx™) compresses physiologic mechanisms in 7-14 minutes to facilitate peak conditioning. It’s very unique because the faster you do it the more energized you become; you get a complete workout without being exhausted. And you can even exercise at home – safely!

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Currently Body’Fit pH Fitness™ (short form… pHx™) isn’t available to the general public, please contact Meta Living Design for details.

Chemical bas(e)s for an acid mood

Ouch! aren’t they in a huff, we say when someone’s in an acid mood! We speak of blood as being bad, bile as being sour, the brain as being fried, we’ve all heard the expressions that indicate a connection between our mind, our mood, and our body. We now know that positive (or negative) thoughts, feelings and sensations come down to electrolyte interactions and chemical reactions. And current research in the field of psychoneuroimmunology gives us more physiologic insight.

Abstract: Psychoneuroimmunology of the mind and body

“Over the last several decades, increased attention has been given to psychoneuroimmunology investigation of the putative physiological mechanisms underlying mind and body interaction. In addition to presenting novel interdisciplinary evidence, this review discusses psychosomatic disease, stress biomarkers, and recent clinical and basic research into psychoneuroimmunology. When functioning normally, the response of the neuro–endocrine–immune systems to stress results in the maintenance of homeostasis in the organs. However, dysfunction of such physical systems in response to stress may lead to psychosomatic disease. Clinically, several stress biomarkers have been shown to be useful for the measurement of the degree of physical response to stress, including several neurotransmitters, hormones, cytokines, and other materials from the neuro–endocrine–immune systems. A large number of observational studies and clinical trials have clearly shown that chronic, real life stress suppresses immune function and exacerbates autoimmune and allergic disease. We have recently used mouse models of these diseases to show that hyporesponsiveness of the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis is critical to such stress-induced exacerbation.”

Experientially it makes sense too, a breath of fresh air clears the mind, calms the emotions, and invigorates the constitution. We cannot experience thinking, feeling or sensing outside the myriad of nerve, plasmic, and cellular membrane exchanges of ionic particles going on in our body.

In other words, physical, emotional and mental wellbeing depends on neuro-endocrine-organ balance which in turn depends on the restoration of chemical balance  (acid-base equilibrium), the healthy body pH being slightly alkaline. The bottom line is that our cells like to fire at maximum capacity, and that requires an intra and extra cellular pH value of  7.4 and 7.2 respectively if you want to achieve homeostatic Peak Metabolic Potential™ (PMP™) during a stressful activity such as exercise.

The latest scientific information supports intuitive understanding, and points to a new exercise paradigm that can achieve pH fitness faster. Since our emotional balance depends directly on the quality of our breathing (it may very well be the reason why GABA levels in the brain are more elevated in people who do hours of qi gong and yogic breathing, for example), an advancement on the traditional disciplines requires equilibrated acids and bases in the blood and cellular fluid to he held at a slightly alkaline value even as metabolism peaks within minutes during exercise.

When under physical, emotional or mental stress, the body triggers the sympathetic nervous system as our primary response for fight or flight. Adrenaline immediately shunts blood out of the deep organs and into the muscles, the heart races to keep up to the demand, and the lungs huff and puff. Typically during exercise we rely on the hyper-ventilatory response, and that has it’s place in the conditioning of muscle tissue. However it’s an outdated paradigm for oxygenation since it waits for an emergency response to CO2 and excess H+ ions to indicate more air intake. And then waits again for more huffing and puffing to pay off the oxygen debt, and again for the kidneys to normalize body pH (and natural levels of GABA).

It’s more practical and proactive to engineer breathing, circulation, and electrolyte absorption to the point where hyperventilation, vessel constriction, and oxygen debt are rendered unnecessary at all degrees of exercise intensity, speed and duration. Although there’s much research to be done it’s well known since antiquity that balance between alkaline and acidic forces in the body affect mood, temperament and disposition. And we also know that pH acidity plays a leading role in inflammation which is the common link among leading causes of death. Besides we already have the scientific knowledge for a practical compression of the physiological mechanisms beyond what was previously possible. Find out more about the radical warm-up cool down workout that gets More Out of Exercise™ fast without stress (or drugs). There’s no reason to be left behind.


Currently Body’Fit pH Fitness™ (short form… pHx™) isn’t available to the general public, please contact Meta Living Design for details.
